Preliminary Research


The Brief

I'll ask the right questions to learn about you, your business, your project, and exactly what it is you're trying to achieve. Some of these questions may seem a little uncomfortable to force you to think deeply about the questions and the answers. This helps us to better understand you, your needs, and your goals. The more we understand, the more we can help.

Data and Analytics

We take a dive into your website analytics and Google Search Console. (if you don't have either, we can help set them up.) The data always tells a story.  We focus on what the data says we should focus on, and leverage what we have learned to make your website better than ever before.

UI/UX Prototyping

One of the most important aspects of a website is the usability and functionality. We layout and build an interactive prototype in the browser to show you how our solution will work. With no attention to design at this stage, it keeps everyone focused on the user experience and functionality of the moving parts.


The Design

After the prototype is approved, we move onto the fun stuff, the design. We get to play with the crayons and coloring pencils in bringing your interactive prototype to life to match your brand identity. This is also where we customize any "off-the-shelf" solutions to match the design of the site.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

We build every website with SEO in mind.  We make sure your site is technically sound, contains the correct Structured Data (also called Schema) so the search algorithms can better understand your website's content and improve your search engine rankings. We also build in SEO tools that you can use to further help your search engine rankings. 


Finally, we spend a couple of weeks to implement the design and to make sure everything is plugged in and tested before deploying your shiny new website so you can show it off to the whole world.



The Design

After the prototype is approved, we move onto the fun stuff, the design. We get to play with the crayons and coloring pencils in bringing your interactive prototype to life to match your brand identity. This is also where we customize any "off-the-shelf" solutions to match the design of the site.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization

We build every website with SEO in mind.  We make sure your site is technically sound, contains the correct Structured Data (also called Schema) so the search algorithms can better understand your website's content and improve your search engine rankings. We also build in SEO tools that you can use to further help your search engine rankings. 


Finally, we spend a couple of weeks to implement the design and to make sure everything is plugged in and tested before deploying your shiny new website so you can show it off to the whole world.


Support and Security


We're here for you

Websites are like living organisms, they need first aid and fixes now and again. The BBS agency is here with the skills to fix any problem your website can find out in the wild. Our friendly agents will help you and will diagnose the issue so that it doesn't happen again.

Keeping your website safe

Your websites security is our concern. We will set you up with the best security tools and will teach you how to update your site to keep ahead of those that would look to do harm to your customers or your site.



What you can expect from us:

  • We will be responsive and timely with all of our communications, and will answer all of your questions and support you as much as we can, Monday-Friday between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm Central time.

  • We will respect you, your expertise, your time, and your investment, and we will be up front about exactly what's included and what's not - no surprises. If there are changes or additions to our original agreed upon scope of work, we will talk about it, make a plan, and review how it impacts the project.

  • We will share our expertise and knowledge, and make recommendations as appropriate. We will deliver a top-of-the-line end product.

  • We will provide you tools, resources, and help to make this process as easy for you as possible.


What we expect from you in return:

Chasing Money2
  • Be upfront about any of your deadlines and needs, respect our original agreement and scope of work, and be open to new ideas and strategies.

  • Creating your website content will take double to triple the time you think it will take. We need you to complete it to do the best job possible for you. Please set aside enough time in your calendar now to ensure your content creation gets done on time.

  • Be responsive and timely in your communications, ask for help if you need it, and be honest in your feedback, comments, ideas, and suggestions.

  • Be committed to the project and respectful of us, our expertise, and our time. Participate in the process and answer questions to the best of your ability. Be honest.