Speed Up Your Website


By Vincent Wondra

August 27, 2015

Many websites suffer from slow load times.  Slow load times lead to lost leads, dropping search engine visibility and frustrated website visitors.  The speed of your website has a direct effect on your bottom line.  The faster your website loads… the more money you will make.  The slower it loads… the more people will leave your site… and the more customers or sales you miss out on.  

We can help.  In just a few hours we can make your website fast… and I mean blazing fast.

Before Website Speed Optimization

This is  our website thebbsagency.com before we optimized it.  Our site was slow. It needed to be better.  Five seconds is way to slow. Website before speed optimization

After Speed Optimization

This is thebbsagency.com after we optimized it for a HUGE improvement in page load time.    After optimization we are seeing consistent page load times under 1 second, and many around 1/2 second. Website after speed optimization

I'm the Founder & President of The BBS Agency & Prebuilt Sites. I have been building websites since the mid 90's. I fell in love with WordPress many years ago and today help companies leverage it's power. I'd love to help you next!